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The Earregulars

Hello and welcome to The Earregulars, a monthly newsletter for podcasting news and expert resources. The Earregulars is for anyone who is involved with a podcast or is interested in launching their own.

Recording Dylan Garven Recording Dylan Garven

Reason #5 to Launch a Podcast: Lifting Podcaster Awareness

A podcast helps legitimize you and gives you access to people who would otherwise ignore your emails and calls. Then, you can grow your community of advocates, collaborators, and customers through these new interactions. Ultimately, a podcast lifts awareness, gives you credibility, and attracts valuable partners.

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Recording Dylan Garven Recording Dylan Garven

Reason #4 to Launch a Podcast: Community Growth

Podcasters establish character, essence, and identity through their podcasts. Craft an authentic brand and connect with your listeners. Replace advertising spin with valuable podcast content and empathetic storytelling that motivates people to follow and grow with you.

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Recording Dylan Garven Recording Dylan Garven

Reason #3 to Launch a Podcast: Continuous Learning

Podcasts provide the content and experiences that support new insights, learnings, and skills. Become an in-demand speaker, seasoned interviewer, and trusted leader via podcasting. Hosting your own podcast is like going to the gym. With each episode, you become more practiced, more polished, and you’ll receive authentic feedback from your listeners and guests.

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Recording Dylan Garven Recording Dylan Garven

Reason #2 to Launch a Podcast: Branding

A podcast is an effective way to craft an authentic brand and establish your character, essence, and identity. Lift awareness around your projects and services. Become a thought leader in your industry. A successful branded podcast is not a commercial. Instead, it uses storytelling or entertaining conversation that is related to the brand, while only making small mentions of the brand itself. This way, the listener invites the brand in rather than being marketed to in an invasive way.

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Recording Dylan Garven Recording Dylan Garven

Reason #1 to Launch a Podcast: Education

Podcasts answer the questions your audience is seeking and make them loyal fans. Educational podcasts deliver trusted information that audiences need in an accessible, affordable, on-demand format. You can build on your educational content with compelling calls to action to support your projects and services.

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Start Something

If you’re just curious or know exactly what you want, contact us. We will help you figure out logistics and the best plan to help you do whatever you do best.